Friday, February 8, 2013

German Infantry 1914. Digital image. Wikimedia Commons. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2013.

We met the two main characters, Elijah and Xavier. They were two close friends who were determined to go through the war together. During World War I and II, aboriginals had the highest military volunteers in context with their population. Many aboriginals went to war fighting to show their tribal pride. Elijah and Xavier was but a speck in the war, however the war affected them very thoroughly. Xavier returned with a lost leg and a developing addiction to morphine. Elijah was nowhere to be found. 
What occurred on the other side of the pond has greatly affected Xavier and Elijah. They had first hand experience in trench warfare, where there was no standards of living. They had to experience the mud, the cold, and the suffocating rat infestation as every other soldiers. War was not glamorous, many deaths were caused by diseases and accidents, soldiers rarely die a heroic and worthy death.  
As the plot progresses, the story will be revealed, and we will take a first person view at what transpired on the horrific nights of World War I. 


  1. hm....I don't usually dig these kind of typical mainstream novels but it looks pretty fun to read. Man, I need to write my second entry too but....... the season 3 championship T.T

  2. This book looks really interesting because it is impact to our world even now. War is a horrible way to decide who wins or lose. As both World War 1 and 2, the conflict is at Germany. This book is a good way to learn how to prevent war from occurring again.
